The reason I am going into graphic design, like I stated in the paragraph above, I want to teach graphic design at the college level. I originally wanted to pursue this degree to work at a fashion magazine to be an editor. Though over my college career I have noticed the passion art majors have for their courses. I definately have this passion in me now. Which is why I decided to teach college instead of Jr. high or high school. I want to show the future generations how exciting a degree in art can be and that it isn't a waste of their time.
My inspirations come from my everyday life, manga, anime, and pop culture. I look towards these things because they are things I enjoy and my life is ever changing. I have liked manga and anime since I was in elementary school. I love the style and the Japanese culture that is portrayed in almost all anime and manga. Pop culture is something else I enjoy because it is becoming more of an accepting thing for all types of people. I love how its evolving as the years go on, and how old trends start coming back in new and different ways.
With being in the BFA I hope to see my skills strengthened in the different aspects of graphic design. This is something I have been striving for since the beginning of my second year of college when I was down at Snow College.